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 Missouri Hunting Permit Fees**
Permit Resident Non-Resident
Archery - Deer & Turkey (1) $19.00 $ 265.00
Archery - Deer & Turkey (1) - Youth Aged 6-15 $  9.50 $    9.50
Archery - Antlerless Deer (2) $  7.00 $  25.00
Archery - Antlerless Deer (2) - Youth Aged 6-15 $  3.50 $    3.50
Firearms - Any Deer $ 17.00 $ 265.00
Firearms - Any Deer - Youth Aged 6-15 $  8.50 $    8.50
Firearms - Antlerless Deer (2) $  7.00 $   25.00
Firearms - Antlerless Deer (2) - Youth Aged 6-15 $  3.50 $    3.50
Firearms - Fall Turkey (3)     $ 13.00 $ 130.00
Firearms - Fall Turkey (3) -Youth Aged 6-15 $   6.50 $    6.50
Spring Turkey (Gun or Bow) (4) $ 17.00 $ 224.00
Spring Turkey - Youth Aged 6-15 $   8.50 $    8.50
(1) Permit allows harvest of 2 deer & 2 turkeys
(2) Selected counties only
(3) Bag limit of 2 turkeys
(4) Bag limit of 2 tom turkeys, but only one can be taken during 1st week of season
**Check Missouri DOC to verify fees - Bag Limits shown above are legal limits, but do not permit taking more game than allowed in your hunt contract with MissouriPrimeHunts.US.